It’s easy to become a Friend of the Connection at St Martin’s – simply donate below
Subscription Rates:
£5 UK Under 35s
£15 UK Individual/Couple
£20 Non-UK Individual/Couple
£40 Corporate
We’re a Community
We receive updates, gather to listen and talk about homelessness and share information with others through forums such as our Speakers Panel.
We fundraise
We volunteer and also raise money: regular donations, responding to appeals, participating in events and legacies.
What does The Connection at St Martin’s do?
The Connection at St Martin’s works with people who are rough sleeping to move away from, and stay off, the streets of London. They do focus on working alongside people as they recover from life on the streets and move towards a meaningful, fulfilling future.
Become a Friend..
We help The Connection work with people to move them to a better future. We have a voice. We can influence where our support goes.
It costs only £15 a year (or only £5 if you are under 35), although you are welcome to donate more.
There are several ways to become a Friend; bank transfer, cheque, standing order or online donation. To pay online, please complete the form at the bottom of this page. To set up a Standing Order, please provide your bank with our bank details (below), and email us to let us know so we can stay in touch! If you pay by cheque or bank transfer please download, complete and return an Application Form here to ‘Friends of the Connection’, 12 Adelaide Place, London WC2N 4HW or email friends@cstm.org.uk
Bank Details
Sort Code: 40-02-08
Account No: 81331086
IBAN: GB39HBUK40020881331086
Subscription Rates:
£5 UK Under 35s
£15 UK Individual/Couple
£20 Non-UK Individual/Couple
£40 Corporate
We will only use your personal details in the ways you have consented to. We will not pass your details on to any other organisation except our sister charity The Connection at St Martin’s. Please see our Privacy Policy for more detail, at https://www.friendsoftheconnection.org.uk/privacy-policy/